开学啦!Welcome to NCIS!

南昌国际学校儿童突发急症的院前处理培训 关注学生的健康安全一直是学校的重要工作,教职工掌握必备的急救技能也是校园安全教育的重要环节。为进一步加强学校应急救护培训,增强安全与急救意识,推广和普及应急救护基本知识与技能,我们特邀请江西省儿 …


爱的同学们,家长们! Dear students, and parents! 美好的假期即将结束啦 The wonderful holiday is coming to an end. 新学年开始了 A new school year will soon begin. 开学时间 Returning time 2023年8月28日(周一) 08:30-16 …


On June 20th, 2023, NCIS held the 2022-2023 Graduation and International Family Day. The celebration consists of 4 parts, graduation ceremony, award and talent show, international family day, and water fight.

People organize themselves into communities

NCIS held a market activity in the lobby. Our Panda students organized a “Sale” on the 26th of May, 2023. They choose to be florists, bakers, cashiers, and other occupations.

