The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) has emerged as the single truly international pre-university high school programme. It is generally recognized as an excellent educational system.
Three core courses 三大核心课程
TOK – Theory of knowledge 认识论
EE – Extended essay专题论文
CAS – Creativity, activity, service 创意、行动与服务
Six subject groups 六大组别学科
Studies in language and literature 语言A1(母语)与世界文学
Language acquisition 语言习得(母语以外的现代语言)
Individuals and societies 个体与社会学(历史、地理、经济学、哲学、心理学等)
Mathematics 数学(数学高等级、高等数学标准等级、数学研究、数学法等)
Arts 艺术学科(视觉艺术、音乐、戏剧、电影和舞蹈等)