Philosophy – International

Changsha WES Academy(CWA) is the first and only international school in Hunan Province that uses English as the primary language of instruction. Currently, we offer an international curriculum for children from ages 3 to 19. We have been approved as an International School by the PRC Ministry of Education and we are an accredited member of the Council of International Schools(CIS). ln May 2014, the International Baccalaureate Organization authorized us as a Primary Years Programme, International Baccalaureate(IB) World School. All IB World Schools share a common philosophy of a commitment to high quality, challenging, and international education which we believe is important for our students.


International Section Curriculum

Teachers provide a guided inquiry-based approach to learning using the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme (PYP) framework of five essential elements: knowledge,concepts,skills,attitudes,and action.

English Language for oral, written and visual communication
Chinese Language for first and second language learners
Units of Inquiry,
which include a focus on Social Studies and Science
The Arts Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts
PSPE Personal, Social and Physical Education
ICT Information and Communication Technologies

Six transdisciplinary themes

  1. Who we are
  2. Where we are in place and time
  3. How we express ourselves
  4. How the world works
  5. How we organise ourselves
  6. Sharing the planet

The CWA Middle School Programme, designed for students aged 11 to 14,encourages them to become critical and reflective thinkers. It also emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. In the Middle School, our students study in seven subject groups: language acquisition, language and literature, individuals and societies, sciences mathematics, arts ,and physical / health education. The Middle School Programme aims to help students develop their personal understanding, their emerging sense of self, and responsibility in their community, with appropriate attention to:

Teaching and learning in context
Conceptual understanding
Approaches to learning (ATL)
Service as action(community service)
Language and identity

Six global contexts

  1. Identities and relationships
  2. Personal and cultural identity
  3. Orientations in space and time
  4. Scientific and technical innovation
  5. Fairness and development
  6. Globalization and sustainability

Eight subject areas

  1. Language Acquisition
  2. Language and Literature
  3. Individuals and Societies
  4. Mathematics
  5. Design
  6. Arts
  7. Sciences
  8. Physical and Health Education

International High School Program

The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)

In Grades 9 and 10 IHSP students follow a range balanced and demanding two year courses leading to the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). This system is based on the British General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) where students are examined in a broad range of subjects at the age of sixteen. The International version of the GCSE originated with the University of Cambridge Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) and is ideal for such a culturally diverse school such as IHSP.

The International Advanced Level Examinations (A Levels)

Our students are enrolled onto our A-level courses in Grade 11 and will complete them at the end of Grade 12.  A Levels are an excellent foundation for their applications to a university. Universities value this qualification due to the high standard of content and skills needed to pass the final examinations.

Students normally pick the three (or four) subjects that they are most interested in and then follow an intensive programme of study for those subjects.  At CWA we currently offer 9 different subjects from Mathematics to Art.  At the end of the two year period students are entered for the relevant examinations. These examinations are prepared, and marked by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), who subsequently issue the grades. These, therefore, are external public examinations.

We are a candidate school for IBDP, and we hope the first student to start IBDP in August 2019. The IB Diploma Programme has emerged as the single truly international pre-university high school programme,which includes three core courses and six subjects. It is generally recognized as an excellent educational system.

Three core courses

  1. TOK – Theory of knowledge
  2. EE – Extended essay
  3. CAS – Creativity, activity, service

Six subject groups

  1. Studies in language and literature
  2. Language acquisition
  3. Individuals and societies
  4. Sciences
  5. Mathematics
  6. Arts

To enrol on this course you would be joining CWA in Grade 10. The main focus of this programme is to boost our students English level so that they can study at IHSP in English. This course is an excellent foundation for students to prepare for studying A Levels (or IBDP) in Grades 11 and 12. Students who follow this programme will study Mathematics, English, Chinese, Art and Design, and Science. The structure of these courses is such that students will be ready to study a course which is recognised by international universities. At the end of the year students will take for examinations to assess their progress and suitability for which courses in Grade 11.


我们的老师根据国际文凭组织的小学项目课程(PYP )体系框架里的五大方面: 知识,概念,技能,态度及行动,采用质询探索的教学方式来引导学生学习。

英 语 包括口语,写作及视觉交流课程
中 文 为中文为第一语言或第二语言学习者而设
数 学
跨学科探究主题 包括社会学及科学课程
艺 术 包括舞蹈,戏剧,音乐,视觉艺术课程
PSPE 个性化教育、社交教育和体育
信息技术类 包括现代信息与通信技术课程


  1. 我们是谁
  2. 我们所处什么时空
  3. 我们如何表达自己
  4. 世界如何运作
  5. 我们如何组织自己
  6. 共享地球




  1. 特征/认同和关系
  2. 个人表达和文化表达
  3. 时空定位
  4. 科学与技术的创新
  5. 公平与发展
  6. 全球化和可持续发展


  1. 语言习得
  2. 语言与文学
  3. 人文
  4. 数学
  5. 设计
  6. 艺术
  7. 科学
  8. 体育与健康




英国普通中等教育文凭考试高级水平课程(A Level

我们的学生在十一年级和十二年级进行为期两年的A Level课程学习。报考A Level对学生申请大学十分有利,因为通过A Level考试需要很高的知识和技能要求。A level课程毕业的学生十分受世界上各大学的欢迎。

A Level学生通常会选择最感兴趣的三到四门科目进行学习。我们学校目前提供9个科目供学生选择,从数学到艺术等科目都有。两年的A Level课程学习之后,学生需要参加由CIE(剑桥考试中心)提供的相关考试,并由CIE进行评分和颁发证书。



  1. 认识论
  2. 专题论文
  3. 创意、行动与服务


  1. 语言A1(母语)与世界文学
  2. 语言习得(母语以外的现代语言)
  3. 个体与社会学(历史、地理、经济学、哲学、心理学等)
  4. 科学学科(物理、化学、生物、设计、计算机、环境系统等)
  5. 数学(数学高等级、高等数学标准等级、数学研究、数学法等)
  6. 艺术学科(视觉艺术、音乐、戏剧、电影和舞蹈等)

学习高中预备基础课程的学生将是入读长沙玮希国际学校十年级的学生。该课程旨在提高学生的英语水平,以便学生能够适应国际高中项目的全英文教学环境。该课程对准备进入A Level(或IBDP)的学生来说是非常理想的基础课程。学生主要学习数学、英语、中文、艺术与设计以及科学等科目。十年级结束时,学生需要参加考试,以评估其学习水平,从而确认十一年级的适读课程。